Available as mugs, pillows, throw blankets, ceramic tiles, posters, and cards. All gifts can be customized – visit our online art store now to see all these beautiful gifts.
This watercolor depicts the essence of astrology in a single, simple symbol. Painted in watercolor on pristine, cold-pressed paper, it sums up key astrological and spiritual concepts and offers a living symbol of our true purpose.
At left sits the tranquil, silver Moon against a swirling, dark blue sky, and at right sits the vibrant, golden Sun against a clear, light blue sky.
Gift Guide
Recommended For: All zodiac signs
Also Good For: Cancer, Leo; Anyone who needs to balance giving and receiving in life
Season: Timeless
Element: Water, Fire, Air
If You Know Your Chart, Recommended For: All Moon signs, all ascendant signs, multiple planets in fourth or fifth house, or any water, fire, or air sign emphasis
AVAILABLE AS: mugs, pillows, throw blankets, ceramic tiles, posters, and cards. All gifts can be customized – visit our online art store now to see all these beautiful gifts.
More About The Painting
In astrology, the two most important heavenly bodies are the Sun and the Moon. Also called the luminaries, they offer a living pageant of light: the Sun shines perpetually, sharing light freely with all creation, while the Moon reflects that light in varying amounts, depending on the lunar phase. In an astrological chart, the Sun’s sign and location indicate how an individual “shines her light,” while the Moon’s sign and location indicate what an individual needs so he can feel safe, emotionally secure, and at home in the world.
Moon And Sun Form A Unity…Like Us
Part of our task lies in integrating our astrological Sun and Moon so that we balance thinking with feeling, giving with receiving, and doing with resting. The tranquil, happy expressions on both the Moon and the Sun in this painting hint at the peace and joy that come to us when we achieve balance.
In this painting, the Moon and Sun form a unity because they have been fused together while still retaining their individual uniqueness and appearance. The night sky at left and the day sky at right also form a unity: although one is dark and one is light, both are blue and both have tiny areas of unpainted paper that let the white paper show through to suggest the pure and dazzling light that exists in the spiritual world and gives birth to the material world. In addition, the paint on each side has swirled and pooled: on the night side at left, this effect suggests the universe’s abundant stars and cloudy nebulae, and on the day side these variations suggest clouds and the full spectrum of “sky blue” we see at different times, on different days, in different weather.
The 12 Rays, Astrology, And Alchemy
Together, the Moon and Sun send forth 12 rays. These coincide with the mystical number 12, which can be found in astrology’s 12 zodiac signs. Half these rays are silver and come forth from the Moon, while half are gold and come forth from the Sun. In astrology, half the zodiac signs represent the earth and water elements and are therefore receptive like the Moon; the other half of the signs represent the air and fire elements and are therefore active like the Sun.
This polarity or duality also comes through in astrology’s lunar and solar symbolism. The Moon rules the sign Cancer and is associated with women, mothers, childhood, memories, and deep sensitivity.The Sun rules the sign Leo and is associated with fathers, the inner child, creativity, and generosity. Together, humanity is both female and male, a cosmic unity of Moon and Sun.
Finally, this painting carries deep alchemical symbolism. The Moon is painted in shades of gray and blue along with silver, the metal associated with Cancer and the Moon. The Sun is painted in shades of yellow and orange as well as gold, the metal associated with Leo and the Sun. In our spiritual lives, these metals remind us of the need to purify ourselves so that we shine with pure silver and gold in all our thoughts, words, and actions.
Moon And Sun Painting Available As Gifts
This tranquil image is available as beautiful gifts in our online art store.
All gifts can be customized: add text such as your name, zodiac sign, or a special message, or adjust images and add background colors. Also, most gifts come in a many different sizes, shapes, and styles: seven mug styles, six pillow sizes with two fiber options, two ceramic tile sizes, four paper and canvas options for posters, and three card sizes. See individual product pages for full details.
Click any image or link below to see these gifts now:
Art and Astrology for Living in Harmony
This beautiful painting combines art and astrology to help you enjoy living in harmony.
Click any of the images or the yellow buttons here to see all the lovely gifts we offer based on the Moon And Sun painting. And keep in mind: you can make these gifts your own, because all our gifts can be customized!
Remember: when you choose art based on your zodiac sign, you strengthen your astrology and help connect with who you really are and why you’re here. And when you give a loved one or friend a zodiac art gift, you help others do the same.
May you always enjoy living in harmony,
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