Available as mugs, pillows, throw blankets, ceramic tiles, posters, and cards. All gifts can be customized – visit our online art store now to see all these beautiful gifts.
Glorious Sunrise is one of several paintings created for the mystical play Going Home. Painted in 2008, this piece came out of a painting session in May of that year. Its strongly horizontal shape continues a new interest in horizontal formats that began earlier that year with Moonrise Over Lake Michigan II.
The Sun has just begun to creep above the horizon, bringing new light, new life, new inspiration.
Gift Guide
Recommended For: All zodiac signs
Also Good For: Leo, Aries; Summer Solstice
Season: Timeless
Element: Fire, Air
If You Know Your Chart, Recommended For: All Moon signs, all ascendant signs, multiple planets in fifth house, or any fire or air sign emphasis
AVAILABLE AS: mugs, pillows, throw blankets, ceramic tiles, posters, and cards. All gifts can be customized – visit our online art store now to see all these beautiful gifts.
More About The Painting
White wisps radiating outward into the sky’s pink and yellow patches convey sunlight’s shimmer, as do touches of copper and gold in the earthy landscape below the Sun’s crimson arc. As Going Home’s final painting, it testifies that our darkest moments always find relief in a new light of understanding. For after the darkness of the night, the Sun always rises in glory and shares its warmth and light with all creation.
This painting harmonizes with all zodiac signs because all people have the Sun in their birth charts and because we all experience the power and splendor of a sunrise each day. The Sun is universal: it shines its light on us all.
This painting also fits with Aries because the Sun is “exalted” (that is, “very happy”) in Aries and therefore strong in that sign. Also, a sunrise symbolizes Aries’s gift for starting over with new beginnings at any time they’re needed in life. In addition, this painting’s theme and colors evoke the annual Summer Solstice, one of the four power days each year, when the Sun is strongest and the day is longest.
Glorious Sunrise Painting Available As Gifts
This warm, inspiring image is available as beautiful gifts in our online art store.
All gifts can be customized: add text such as your name, zodiac sign, or a special message, or adjust images and add background colors. Also, most gifts come in a many different sizes, shapes, and styles: seven mug styles, six pillow sizes with two fiber options, two ceramic tile sizes, four paper and canvas options for posters, and three card sizes. See individual product pages for full details.
Click any image or link below to see these gifts now:
Art and Astrology for Living in Harmony
This beautiful painting combines art and astrology to help you enjoy living in harmony.
Click any of the images or the yellow buttons here to see all the lovely gifts we offer based on the Glorious Sunrise painting. And keep in mind: you can make these gifts your own, because all our gifts can be customized!
Remember: when you choose art based on your zodiac sign, you strengthen your astrology and help connect with who you really are and why you’re here. And when you give a loved one or friend a zodiac art gift, you help others do the same.
May you always enjoy living in harmony,
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