Available as mugs, pillows, throw blankets, ceramic tiles, posters, and cards. All gifts can be customized – visit our online art store now to see all these beautiful gifts.
This view of Chicago’s skyline was taken from the beach along Lake Michigan on a cold and clear New Year’s Day morning.
When this photograph was taken, the Sun had just risen, and the light gave a golden cast to the buildings and the leafless bushes and trees in the foreground.
Gift Guide
Recommended For: Libra
Also Good For: Gemini, Aquarius
Element: Air
If You Know Your Chart, Recommended For: Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius Moon; Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius ascendant; multiple planets in third, seventh, or eleventh house, or any air sign emphasis
AVAILABLE AS: mugs, pillows, throw blankets, ceramic tiles, posters, and cards. All gifts can be customized – visit our online art store now to see all these beautiful gifts.
More About The Photograph
The sky, however, dominates this photo. Against its blue vastness, small white clouds appear near the buildings’ tops, while large and more diffuse gray clouds fill most of the sky above them. The sky and the heavens long have been associated with the element air, making this image a harmonious one for the airy astrological sign Libra.
Simply gazing up at the sky, whatever the time of day or night, can help us align with the air element. When the Sun travels through Libra each year, this act of looking skyward can help provide balance by letting us release heavy, earthly worries and fears to float in the airy world of thought and imagination.
Chicago Skyline Photograph Available As Gifts
This gentle, golden image is available as beautiful gifts in our online art store.
All gifts can be customized: add text such as your name, zodiac sign, or a special message, or adjust images and add background colors. Also, most gifts come in a many different sizes, shapes, and styles: seven mug styles, six pillow sizes with two fiber options, two ceramic tile sizes, four paper and canvas options for posters, and three card sizes. See individual product pages for full details.
Click any image or link below to see these exquisite gifts now:
Art and Astrology for Living in Harmony
This beautiful photograph combines art and astrology to help you enjoy living in harmony.
Click any of the images or the yellow buttons above to see all the lovely gifts we offer based on the Chicago Skyline photograph. And keep in mind: you can make these gifts your own, because all our gifts can be customized!
Or use these links to see multiple products in various categories:
Remember: when you choose art based on your zodiac sign, you strengthen your astrology and help connect with who you really are and why you’re here. And when you give a loved one or friend a zodiac art gift, you help others do the same.
May you always enjoy living in harmony,
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