Has your emotional life been particularly intense in the past two weeks? Have you faced sudden changes that forced you to deal with difficulties at home, at work, or with family members? Has anything in your emotional or spiritual life or in your home or relationships felt stuck, slowed down, or clogged in any way?
If so, then your experience is in line with current astrology. Find out more about what’s happening in the skies and hear how to navigate tricky emotional waters by “unclogging your spiritual drain” this Saturday, July 5, when Anne returns to Frank Fontana’s “Design Dude” show on WGN Radio AM 720 Chicago.
July 2014 Astrology a ‘Backsplash’ of Last Year’s Watery Energies
“Last year was the ‘year of feeling,'” Anne explained. “In 2013, we had many planets in water signs and many challenging planetary alignments, bringing us extremely high emotions that felt almost unbearable at times. The first part of 2014 took some of the edge off that watery energy, but when the Sun entered Cancer on June 21, it brought us not only the Solstice but another excess of watery energies that put us right back in last year’s intensity.”
Combined with other difficult planetary positions (particularly the Uranus-Pluto square and the hard cardinal alignments of this past April), the Sun’s journey through Cancer has created a mini return to old feelings and experiences from 2013. “It’s a kind of backsplash event this month, with old, watery issues splashing back into our lives,” Anne said. “As tough as this may feel at times, it’s a good opportunity to think back to last year, see how far we’ve come, and take final steps to clean things up in our emotional lives—and in our homes—before the Sun and Jupiter leave Cancer in late July.”
Get Dates, Details for July’s Astrology and Opportunities
Get key dates for planetary shifts in July plus tips on how astrology can help you take advantage of this month’s special opportunity to clear out what needs to go from your life and your emotions by tuning in to WGN Radio AM 720 Chicago—online or on your radio—on Saturday, July 5, from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m.
During the popular “Designing With The Stars” segment on Fontana’s top-rated show, you’ll hear design guru Frank Fontana tap Anne’s expertise as the two talk about current astrology and how to use it to make the most of your “inner home” as well as your outer home.
Call in Live July 5
Listeners will be welcome to call in with questions and comments at (312) 981-7200.
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Hear the show by tuning in WGN Radio at AM 720 in Chicago.
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Love listening to Anne’s predictions and insight.
Thanks so much, Charlene!